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Sales Manager / Coach - Recruitment / Hiring Solution Sales - Remote or in Office

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Answer these questions

Do you have Recruiting, Hiring, job Posting, Hiring Solutions Industry Experieince (Required)


If you entered "YES" to the above question please explain

Do you have Sales Management Experieince? (Required)


If you answered "YES" to the above question, please explain

Are you comfortable and able to recruit, hire and train 100% commission sales reps who work from home? (Required)


We are looking for someone to build a great team and drive sales. The compensation plan is heavly favoured to performance. The base salary is $923 per week, For each sales rep that does a minimum $10K monthly $200 Monthly X 15 reps = $3,600 monthly plus an overide of $4,000 per month per 100K in sales. We expect within the year $300K monthly. Total Comp should be in the $125k to $300K range annually. Does this comp plan meet with your expectations?


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